Inspire 2.6.0

A clean, focused writing environment where your works of any kind enjoy instant auto-save, real-time cloud syncing and flexible export formats. These make Inspire the most elegant way to write. Here, you just need to enjoy the simple, distraction-free markdown writing environment that Inspire creates to boast your productivity.


Clean, simple and distraction-free interface
Markup-based text editor with syntax highlighting
Auto-save and auto-backup
Export your writings as PDF, DOCX, HTML, MD, TXT and more
Cloud sync among multiple PCs
Publish to WordPress
Distraction-free writing mode
Image attachments
A single library holds everything you’ll ever write
Well-organized groups with hierarchy
Full keyboard navigation support
Code syntax highlight
Smooth touchscreen compatibility and support
Live-updating preview
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0 votes Vote

Add Undo and Redo buttons to UI.

Although in Edit & with keyboard shortcuts, I feel buttons would improve productivity when touch-typing.
Tizwoz, 12.12.2018, 10:52
0 votes Vote

Use 3rd party cloud services with it.

Instead of the default Cloud Service provided, allow the use of 3rd party cloud services as an option for synchronization.
Isel Maria, 12.12.2018, 11:30
0 votes Vote

Add a text to speech option

Offer integration to one or more of the existing text-to-speech applications, even it it's just a link
Kort Ploshay, 12.12.2018, 21:06
0 votes Vote

Have a multi-line search and replace.

Several editors now have multi-line search and replace boxes. They are so much quicker than using Regular Expressions, and they work for people that are not typical Regular Expression gurus, making your product much more appealing to a wider...
Gary Smith, 19.12.2018, 08:21